Professional  Wrongful  Death  Investigations

Private Investigator Located in Wyoming

Our Moto:

Do The Right Thing, Do It Right, Do It With Integrity, Do It With Honor

Wrongful Death Investigations


The loss of a spouse, family member, friend, or loved one always leaves someone asking questions. And it is very understandable that they have questions.


A wrongful death weather classified as a manslaughter, or a homicide. Falls under the jurisdiction of law enforcement. However, a private investigator can run a parallel investigation. Any evidence, or information that is relevant must be collected in a lawful manner and must be turned over to the investigating law enforcement agency.


The vast majority of the time, law enforcement and the medical examiner make the right call. But from time to time they do make a mistake. These mistakes can include anything from the cause of death to was it an accident or intentional. Additionally, if it was an intentional act that caused the death. Is law enforcement investigating the right suspect? Our country’s history is littered with wrongful convictions.


There are several reasons for the mistakes that law enforcement makes during an investigation. The main reason usually is over worked (overburdened by the number of cases the detective has to work), a push from prosecutors to get the case cleared. Prosecutors over worked and overburdened by case load, A rush to judgement by law enforcement and prosecutors.


Our investigator has experience in investigating homicide. He is experienced in interviewing and interrogating witness and suspects. Locating evidence such as bloody clothes of homicide suspect, and location of where the murder weapon was dumped.


If you have lost a loved one, and you fell that the death is suspicious. Or if you feel that law enforcement is getting it wrong, or just not making progress on the case. Contact us for a free consultation.


Paladin Investigations, LLC
Private Investigation in Wyoming, Bail Enforcement in Wyoming, Fugitive Recovery in Wyoming
Experienced Working With Local, State, And Federal Law Enforcement