Professional  Bail  Enforcement  &  Fugitive  Recovery


Private Investigator Located in Wyoming


Our Moto:

Do The Right Thing, Do It Right, Do It With Integrity, Do It With Honor


Both of the owners of Paladin investigations, LLC are licensed Bail Agents in the State of Wyoming.


Mathew is also a licensed bail agent in the State of Montana.


Both Owners of Paladin Investigations, LLC also work in the bail bonds profession.  Paladin Bail Bonds

Professional Bail Enforcement & Fugitive Recovery


If you are in need of a professional bail enforcement, fugitive recovery firm in Wyoming, you need look no further.


There are many good and honest people in the bail enforcement, fugitive recovery profession. However, to often there are people the bail enforcement, fugitive recovery profession that are not professional and are not honest. We have to many people in the bail enforcement, fugitive recovery profession with criminal backgrounds. We are not talking of those that have been charged and not convicted of anything. We are talking of those convicted and found guilty of drug charges and more. There are those in the profession that claim to have military backgrounds, and they do not.


We believe and conduct our bail enforcement and fugitive recovery business in an honest and professional manner.


If you are a bail bondsman or bail bonds woman or run a bail agency. When was the last time you checked to see if the bail enforcement, fugitive recovery company you use, was in compliance with the simple things? For example: have they really kept up with their state filings? Are they still saying they own a company when in fact the sate dissolved the company? A person knows when they are not in compliance. To say you have a company and you do not is dishonest. To say you have liability insurance and you do not is dishonest. If a person will lie to you about these simple things. What else will they lie to you about? Or what have they already lied to you about? Do the bail enforcement agents, fugitive recovery agents you use truly know the business? Or do they fake it really well? Are the bail enforcement agents, fugitive recovery agents you use part time? Do they only work in this profession at night, when they get off work, or only work on the weekends for you? Working part time in this profession can actually cause hazards and put people at risk for injuries or worse. An example of this is the forced entry at night. There are times this is necessary. However, this can put the people in the dwelling and the bail enforcement agents, fugitive recovery agents at risk unnecessarily. To many things can go wrong.


Our Moto: Do the right thing, Do it Right, Do it with Integrity, Do It With honor


All too often to many in the bail enforcement, fugitive recovery profession is not doing the “right thing”.


We believe in being honest and professional, and we conduct our business in an honest and professional manner.


Bail enforcement agents, fugitive recovery agents get their authority from the U.S. Supreme Court ruling. TAYLOR v. TAINTOR (1872) It was Decided: December 1, 1872


Many people in the bail enforcement, fugitive recovery profession have distorted the authority that bail enforcement agents, fugitive recovery agents work under. They will claim they can go into any house or anywhere they want to arrest a fugitive. This is not exactly true. If the fugitive is not at the residence they reside, (or in other words their legal residence) a bail enforcement agent cannot enter without the permission of a legal resident of the dwelling.


Another major distortion is bail enforcement agents, fugitive recovery agents, think they have the right to use “SPECIAL WEAPONS”. This is, not in the ruling.


Bail enforcement agents, fugitive recovery agents are not law enforcement. To many in the profession think they are, and many claim to be.


In the ruling of TAYLOR v. TAINTOR (1872) there is mainly one paragraph that explains the authority of the bail agent, and the bail enforcement agent. The paragraph is posted below.


“When bail is given, the principal is regarded as delivered to the custody of his sureties. Their dominion is a continuance of the original imprisonment. Whenever they choose to do so, they may seize him and deliver him up in their discharge; and if that cannot be done at once, they may imprison him until it can be done. They may exercise their rights in person or by agent. They may pursue him into another State; may arrest him on the Sabbath; and, if necessary, may break and enter his house for that purpose. The seizure is not made by virtue of new process. None is needed. It is likened to the rearrest by the sheriff of an escaping prisoner. In 6 Modern11 it is said: ‘The bail [83 U.S. 366, 372] have their principal on a string, and may pull the string whenever they please, and render him in their discharge.’ The rights of the bail in civil and criminal cases are the same. They may doubtless permit him to go beyond the limits of the State within which he is to answer, but it is unwise and imprudent to do so; and if any evil ensue, they must bear the burden of the consequences, and cannot cast them upon the obligee.”


We are not a part time firm. Our lead bail enforcement agent is available 24/7 for our clients. We are available when you need us.


We are a professional firm. We know the business side of things.


The founders/owners of Paladin Investigations, LLC have the experience, training and education that is needed to run a professional and efficient firm. We can quickly locate and recover your fugitives. 


If you have any questions, please feel free to use one of our contact methods. Call, email, or use the contact form here on the site.


We work 24/7 for our clients.


At this time, we are providing services to bail agents and sureties in Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. If you are a bail agent in a state not listed but have a fugitive located in one of the states listed contact us, we can help you.


We at Paladin Investigations, LLC adhere to all local, state, and federal laws.

Private Investigator in Wyoming, bail Enforcement in Wyoming, Fugitive Recovery in Wyoming
Private Investigator in Wyoming, bail Enforcement in Wyoming, Fugitive Recovery in Wyoming

Paladin Investigations, LLC
Private Investigation in Wyoming, Bail Enforcement in Wyoming, Fugitive Recovery in Wyoming
Experienced Working With Local, State, And Federal Law Enforcement