Professional  Missing  Persons  Investigations

Private Investigator Located in Wyoming

Our Moto:

Do The Right Thing, Do It Right, Do It With Integrity, Do It With Honor

Private Investigator in Wyoming, bail Enforcement in Wyoming, Fugitive Recovery in Wyoming

Missing Persons Investigations


We have access to several data bases to assist in locating missing persons. However, some private investigators boast of having the largest data base of public records in the country. Please do not be fooled by this assertion. Data bases will only take an investigator so far.


They are very helpful when locating persons that may have useful information about a person that is missing. They can help in cross referencing data that will help locate a person that has changed their name. Data bases have a few other good uses. However, as we have stated they can only take an investigator so far in assisting locate a person. And the investigator that is extracting the data needs to be able to compile and properly analyse the data for it to be useful.


People are missing for different reason. There are people that are classified officially as a missing person, and they are not actually missing. For one reason or another they decided to just pack up and leave to start life over. Or they decided to just leave and leave everything behind.


No matter the reason a person is missing. An investigator needs to be able to bring all the skills to the table that are necessary to finding the person. From interviewing family, friends, witnesses. To Data collection and Analysis, and evidence collection. Using these skills can help in determining where to look for the person.


You can be assured our investigator has the expertise and experience, to effectively utilize the necessary skills to locate missing persons.


If you are in need of a private investigator to locate a missing person. Contact us for a free, private, and confidential consultation.

Paladin Investigations, LLC
Private Investigation in Wyoming, Bail Enforcement in Wyoming, Fugitive Recovery in Wyoming
Experienced Working With Local, State, And Federal Law Enforcement