Professional  Countersurveillance

Private Investigator Located in Wyoming

Our Moto:

Do The Right Thing, Do It Right, Do It With Integrity, Do It With Honor

Countersurveillance Services



We offer counter surveillance services to a limited number of persons or business. We do not at this time offer electronic sweeping services.



If you are in need of electronic sweeping services, we caution you to make sure you hire a private investigation firm that truly knows how to do this work. Electronic sweeping services are known as bug sweeps. Many private investigation firm that offers this service, actually do not know the proper way to perform the sweeps. Nor do they have the proper equipment.



With today’s bug technology bug sweeping equipment that will actually work, will range from $100,000 to $200,000 and more.



A bug sweep of your home or place of business should take at least 2 days depending on the size of the home or business.



The counter surveillance services we offer. Are for persons that feel they are being watched by someone engaged in a non-electronic surveillance. For example, a person that feels they are being stalked, or a person that has filed a worker’s comp claim and feel they are being watched and videotaped.



If we provide counter surveillance services to you, and we find that you are under surveillance by law enforcement. We will cease and desist or activity immediately. Law enforcement only surveils persons suspected of criminal activity. We will not be able to give you any information to our findings. To do so would put us at risk of criminal charges.



If you feel that you are under surveillance and the surveillance is not by law enforcement, contact us for a free, private, and confidential consultation.


Private Investigator in Wyoming, Bail Enforcement in Wyoming, Fugitive Recovery in Wyoming

Paladin Investigations, LLC
Private Investigation in Wyoming, Bail Enforcement in Wyoming, Fugitive Recovery in Wyoming
Experienced Working With Local, State, And Federal Law Enforcement