Professional  Interviews  &  Interrogations

Private Investigator Located in Wyoming

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Do The Right Thing, Do It Right, Do It With Integrity, Do It With Honor

Private Investigations In Wyoming

Interviews & Interrogations


Interviews and interrogations are tools used by law enforcement and private investigators during the course of an investigation. They can be very useful and effective tools in the arsenal of investigative tools they have.


An interview and an interrogation are very similar, and sometimes are referred to as the same thing. However, we break them down a bit differently.


An interview is the questioning of a suspect or witness to gain more information or evidence.


An interrogation is done with a suspect with the intent, not only to gain more information and evidence but also a confession.


An interrogation done with evidence that can be presented to the suspect, in many cases can produce a confession.


An interview or interrogation can in many cases be, more cost effective, faster and more effective than an undercover investigation.


On a regular basis companies use private investigators to interview or interrogate employees to reveal the truth behind sensitive employee situations.


Some private investigations firms will have you believe, through interviews and interrogations they can know who the bad actors are in 20 minutes. Most often they are correct. However, knowing who the bad actors are, does not protect a company from liability in a wrongful termination lawsuit. Without evidence to prove a claim of criminal act or liability, just knowing who bad actors are will not win a case.


Depending on the case, interviews and interrogations combined with surveillance, will give us the evidence we need to prove who the bad actors are and what they have done.


Our investigator with Paladin Investigations, LLC has the training and experience needed to perform professional interviews and interrogations.

Paladin Investigations, LLC

Private Investigation in Wyoming, Bail Enforcement in Wyoming, Fugitive Recovery in Wyoming

Experienced Working With Local, State, And Federal Law Enforcement