Professional  Insurance  Fraud  Investigations

Private Investigator Located in Wyoming

Our Moto:

Do The Right Thing, Do It Right, Do It With Integrity, Do It With Honor

Private Investigator in Wyoming, Bail Enforcement in Wyoming, Fugitive Recovery in Wyoming

Workers Comp Fraud


According to the F.B.I., Different sources estimate fraudulent claims at anywhere from $6 to $7 billion of the estimated $60 billion paid out every year. These numbers represent over a 10% of needless cost to companies. This cost is then passed on to the companies’ customers no matter what industry the company is in. Billions of needless costs passed on due to dishonest and corrupt people.


We at Paladin Investigations, LLC understand what this means for us as consumers. Higher cost for everything we buy and everything we enjoy doing in our lives.


If your company is in need of a worker’s comp investigator. You can be assured we will perform the investigation in a professional and timely manner.


Our investigator has an extensive surveillance background. If they are committing fraud, we will get the evidence.

Accident Injury Fraud


In 2007, insurance fraud as a result of an auto accident added between $4.8 billion and $6.8 billion in excess payments to auto injury claims. It is reasonable to assume that today these costs are much higher.


As with workers comp Fraud and all other insurance fraud this added cost is passed on to the consumer.


If you suspect someone of accident injury fraud. We can get to the truth. If they are committing fraud, we will get the evidence.


If you know someone that has committed insurance fraud. Or is involved in committing insurance fraud. Report them to your local law enforcement.

Paladin Investigations, LLC
Private Investigation in Wyoming, Bail Enforcement in Wyoming, Fugitive Recovery in Wyoming
Experienced Working With Local, State, And Federal Law Enforcement